We are an Organism that provides education and self-knowledge for the holistic development of three levels of Man (physical, psycho-mental, spiritual-metaphysical), through seminars, workshops, private sessions, counselling, editions and entertainment evenings. Our subject is Man, his Relationships, his Holistic Development and the Quality of his life.
"Café Ecole" is, first and foremost, a method leading to self-awareness and the holistic development of man. It has been formulated in co-operation of the research laboratory of the University of Montreal and the "Café Ecole" of Greece and is the result of constant research and evaluation of its validity.
Creator of the method is Constantin Foteinas, Professor of the University of Montreal and Director of the Research Laboratory at the University of Montreal. Who was, also, the President of the "Café Ecole" of Greece, until the 13th of October 2003, when he left his body.
"Café Ecole" functions in the evenings five days a week, nine months each year. Its program includes group work for adults in self-awareness, in psychotherapy, in body exercise, family relations, in transpersonal or spiritual development. Each year it offers seminars on specific subjects, such as: love and sex, death and mourning, mental health and insanity etc. It also includes seminars of self- awareness for young children and drama groups for self expression of children. Twice a year a seminar of one week is organized, whose subject is meditation.
If you want to know who you are not
use your thought
If you want to know who you are
surpass your thought
Constantin Foteinas
Come for a cup of coffee, if you feel like it.
While attending a workshop or being an observer
We enjoy ourselves and have discussions, we experience and reflect
without the fear of making a mistake or the anxiety for perfection.
Thus, we discover something important about us, about others and about life.
(written by C.C. Foteinas in 1979)
Two of our colleagues from Switzerland - (Maria Miguel and Alan Richard).