Welcome to Cafe ecole
for the holistic development (body, mind, spirit)
in Greece since 1979
For personal growth. Self- Awareness and Self- Realization Workshops with the “Café Ecole- Constantin Foteinas” method.
That concern our relationship with ourselves, with other people and life, such as: fear, romantic relationship, demise.
Workshops and Seminars by preceptors of great experience, who teach around the world the “Himalayan Yoga Meditation”.
In our Publications you will find Constantin Foteina’s and Maria Foteina’s books and books by our collaborators, as well as books by Swami Veda Bharati, disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas
Himalayan Yoga Meditation of Hellas
We are a non-profit association that offers education and self-awareness for the growth of the human being in all three dimensions, body, psychomental and spiritual level, through seminars, workshops, private sessions, consultation, publications “Café – Ecole” and entertainment, that is, evenings that provide nutrition for all dimensions.

We address the psychomental level with Self-awareness Workshops and Self- Realization Workshops, aiming to explore the characteristics of our personality through "Private Logic" and Existential Fear to accept and love them, so that we may achieve the changes we desire, so that subsequently we may become "ourselves", be free people, become truly human beings. The Greek word for human being is "άνθρωπος" coming from the ancient Greek words: άνω θρώσκω, meaning looking up (to the divine). So, to become a real human being, we need to still become conscious of our spiritual dimension. If we do not explore first our psychomental level it is not possible to evolve in the spiritual level.

We also give special Seminars addressing to the psychomental level, such as:
Professional Orientation, how to create non-competitive relationships, what does love mean, why are we afraid of death, etc.

To address to the physical level and the spiritual level, we give specialized Workshops and Seminars through the Tradition of the Himalayan Yoga Meditation. We also offer private sessions for yoga and ayurvedic massage.

Furthermore, because we consider important to be in touch and know where we come from, and at the same time eliminate the possibility of all learning difficulties, we teach Ancient Greek to primary school children of the 5th and 6th grade, where playing and dancing with the rhythm, children learn the meaning of the words that are still alive or derive from ancient Greek words and we use them in our everyday life. We follow Socrates’ way of life as described by one of his disciples, Zenophone, "while learning he played, while playing he learned".

Following the example and the prompting of our visionary and pioneer Greek Master, Constantin Foteinas, being the first generation of his children-fellow workers, we continue seeing our world by image and likeness of the universe. We look around us and when we discover something that reminds us of the honest words of Foteinas, we embody it at Café Ecole aiming the holistic development of man, that is, his three dimensions, body, mind and spirit.

So, we had the great "luck" and honor to meet the Great Master, Swami Veda Bharati, disciple of Swami Rama, and through him, Swami Rama as well. Swami Veda asked Sofia Foteina, after her apprenticeship in the Philosophy and Practice in Yoga since 2010, to represent the Himalayan Yoga Meditation in Greece. In that context we embodied in our organism, the Himalayan Yoga. And our name: "Café Ecole- Himalayan Yoga Meditation of Hellas" or in a simpler way, "Café Ecole- Himalayan Yoga".

For further information see: www.himalayanyoga.gr